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How to Draw a Potato

by Author - Saturday, July 23, 2022 207 Views
How to Draw a Potato

How to Draw a Potato

Learn how to draw a beautiful potato with cool drawings and a step-by-step tutorial. Now you can easily create a beautiful potato design. For centuries, the potato has been one of the world’s multiple essential food references. It is from the Andres Mountains of South America and is a father away from tomatoes. It is believed that the potato was domesticated almost 2,000 years ago and entered the European markets during the 1500s. How do you like your potatoes? This versatile vegetable is often served in puree, boiled, such as chips, such as bears, in soups or pans, and more.


There are over 1,000 additional kinds of potatoes, and certain varieties are triggered in the Americas. Potatoes and tomatoes are part of the Notes family. It means that its leaves and stems contain a toxin. It is why the potato cabbage is cut before cooking. Otherwise, stomach pain, headache, or other symptoms could result. Potatoes are usually not consumed raw as it cooks. They destroy much of this chemical compound. Over the years, several characters on the potato theme have come and disappeared, usually in advertising.


Potato Drawing

The most sustainable is perhaps Mr. Potato Head. The toy was created in 1949, with pliable pieces used with a real potato. Later, a plastic potato body was included. The toy remained in production for three-quarters of a century, the Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head making famous appearances in movies like Toy Story (1995). Would you like to draw a smiling potato similar to the head of Mr. Potato? This Easy -Didactical -Decticiel, Easy -Drawings is there to help you.


Drawing a Potato

Step 1:

Describe the potato designing an irregular oval shape.

Step 2:

Draw an arm that extends next to the potato. Rather, draw a pair of curved similar lines. Then use short lines like a “U” to make your hand and fingers with a hand with joy.

Step 3:

Draw the remaining arm. It is folded by hand on the hip. The potatoes have hips, ie. Draw two lines in the form of a “V” cross and out of the body to form the arm. Then use a series of curved and “suitable” lines to lock your hand.

Step 4:

Draw a enormous circle in the center of the potato. It will form the first eye.

Step 5:

Draw a two circle, including the remaining eye.

Step 6:

Then use two short lines in strengths to draw an eyebrow above each eye.

Step 7:

Draw a smaller circle in each eye. Within this circle, draw an oval circle and an overlapping circle—Shand, the smallest circle, indicating the pupil.

Step 8:

How to Draw a Potato

Use two curved lines to sketch the open and open mouths of the potato. Use a long curved line to include a rounded rectangular shape on the top of the mouth, indicating the teeth. Finally, texture your potato by drawing little circles and ovals.

Step 9:

How to Draw a Potato

Color your potato. Many potatoes are brown but can also be white, yellow, green, or purple.

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