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Uworld | How I Passed the NCLEX-RN With the Fewest Questions Possible

by Author - Thursday, September 1, 2022 729 Views

Many times, Uworld Nursing students who have already done something can offer the finest advice. When it comes to preparing for the upcoming NCLEX® exams. Logan’s story is a good example of a peeks behind the curtain in testing accomplishment. Here is her description of how she passed the NCLEX-RN® with the fewest questions possible.

I was a full-time Uworld Nursing student enrolled in an ADN RN program. I’ve always wanted to be a nurse because I enjoy helping people, ever since I can remember.

Numerous Nursing Students Face Difficulties

My academic performance in high school ranged from average to above average. One of the hardest obstacles that Uworld Nursing students face—I know I did—are the NCLEX-style questions. When I obtained my nursing degree, I was ecstatic. But now was the time to get ready for the NCLEX test.

Several of my peers suggested Uworld Nursing to me. I researched internet reviews and looked for recommendations on YouTube in addition to watching the video training to have a better idea of how I felt about it. I’m very glad I chose Uworld Nursing as my study guide!

The 60-day RN package that I purchased includes the self-assessment. I went through each question in the QBank over the course of about a month and a half. If you don’t complete all of the questions in the allocated time, don’t be too hard on yourself.

The features of Uworld that I liked the most included:

Create flashcards with the questions so you may review them later.
These questions cover everything you may anticipate seeing on the NCLEX exam, including SATA.
The justifications! It was enjoyable to read and comprehend.
There is an option to view how many people correctly answered the questions and how long it took you to complete them.
The NCLEX and this exam both follow the same framework.

How I studied for the NCLEX-RN and passed it with the fewest errors possible:

Every day, 75–225 questions were answered. I rewrote all of my incorrect questions in a binder, along with my justifications and the category they belonged to.

Since the NCLEX subjects are chosen at random, I took my exams in instructor mode so I could check my responses using a uworld discount code. These topics were not covered in school, and Uworld Nursing made sense to me when they explained them to me ahead of my exam.

I made a set of flashcards using the flashcard tool based on the incorrect questions I had posed. The graphics from Uworld Nursing are also included in my flashcards, and they are really helpful.

I think it’s a great benefit that the Uworld Nursing practise exams and questions have the same format as the NCLEX. As a result, when it was time to take the exam, I felt at ease.

I sat down to complete the self-assessment because I had one week till my exam. All 2 000+ inquiries had been answered by me. I chose to complete the self-assessment at that time because I wanted to know what to review if my performance wasn’t up to par. Pretended to be taking the NCLEX by getting up early, eating breakfast, and acting normally. We had a great chance of passing the NCLEX with a score in the 76th percentile, and I did it on my first try! Up until the day of the test, I would review the justifications in my binder to get ready for it.

Here Are Some Additional General Study Advice:

Don’t forget to occasionally reward yourself! Calm your body and mind.

The day before your exam, take it easy and don’t study.

The results of my quiz banks ranged from 54 to 69. Focus more on your performance on the tests and how well you comprehend the topic rather than your marks.

Like many others, I thought the NCLEX was easier than Uworld Nursing. As a consequence, you’ll be more prepared for the NCLEX and have a better understanding of how challenging the questions will be. Finally, Uworld Nursing offered me the assurance I required to handle issues similar to those on the NCLEX!

I wish you all the best as you pursue your nursing careers! You can definitely accomplish this! And thanks to Uworld Nursing for enabling this. Or I wouldn’t have aced the NCLEX on my first try without your excellent help!

Story About passing an exam like Logan

You too can have a story about passing an exam like Logan does. There are several resources available that could aid in your NCLEX exam preparation. The industry leader in NCLEX preparation, Uworld Nursing, wants to make sure you pass on your first try.

With the assistance of our online study tools, you’ll be thoroughly prepare for your test. We’ll provide you NCLEX-style questions, thorough justifications, and precise performance tracking to ensure exam success. Please go here to read more about the reasons students pick us for NCLEX preparation.